Aksaray University Fine Arts Education Department started its educational activities with 30 students in the 2014-2015 academic year. It gave its first graduates in 2018. Within the department, there are Painting Education Department and Music Education Department Programs. The courses given to undergraduate students during the 4-year education period are gathered in three different areas field knowledge, professional knowledge and general culture. Each student is engaged in contemporary artistic productions in accordance with their individual characteristics. In the Department of Painting and Business Education, each student can take one of the Anasanat Workshop Painting or Graphics trainings in line with their area of interest. Again, in the Department of Music Education, students can learn piano, guitar, violin, cello, lute, saz, etc. related to their interests. The department allows them to specialize on instruments. For the students of both Departments, there are many elective courses for field and vocational information. In the fourth grade, students are obliged to do internships at schools under the Ministry of National Education for one year.

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